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Leila E. Cole

Meet Oprah's Fit Model, Tricia Campbell - Plus Size Model and Swimsuit Designer

"You're beautiful no matter what size you are, what color you are or where you come from. Don't aspire to be somebody else. We're all here to give our gifts to the world." --Tricia Campbell

Tell us about yourself.

What keeps you motivated?

Definitely going after the next thing always keeps me motivated.

As a creative minded person and a trailblazer, I always go into something not knowing what the results will be but I still go for it – so I think that’s what motivates me a lot.

Of course, my mum and grandmother, they were such hardworking women. My grandmother came here in the 60s and then she brought my whole family; there were about 8 of them. Then my mother brought us over. I always think about pushing it forward, no matter what you have achieved.

The God in me makes me want to say “keep going [there’s always more]” – shine the light. In a good way though, not in a greedy way, like take, take, take.

You have to have a balance too, in your life. That’s what I’m looking at now in my life –like, ‘ok, I better start dating…I better start…’ to get that rolling –because you can have it all.

What do you find most challenging about your career?

The most challenging thing I find as a plus size model, or a designer now, is funding and definitely partnerships. Because I just started the line –getting people to believe in you.

What do you think the world needs more of?

Love, of course. Definitely love. I do believe in self-love.

So I think we really need more love in the world, definitely. You have to tell people now that are living, that you love them. I learned that lesson when my mom died 7 years ago, she died from colon cancer. 

You have to show your love to others. I know now sometimes it’s difficult because we have so many things going on and sometimes we don’t just stop to smell the roses.. if you’re not into roses, smell the plants. Just chill.

For me it’s God. Thank God that you’re here, you’re living, you’re seeing, you’re walking, you’re breathing –you have a mind. A sane mind. You have your health. Because even if you have your wealth, without any health, you have nothing.

You’ve got to take care of yourself, to give back the love. I think that’s what the world needs more of. And more curvy women –shining a light. Maybe a curvy president.. ya know. I don’t know who she would be.. maybe my boss lady ;)

What are you most looking forward to this year?

The unknown.

I think that sometimes when you try and live a predictable life, it’s so boring.

My team has asked me “Okay, Tricia, we need you to sit down with us and let’s go over 2019 –your calendar, what you’re going to focus on.. exactly what you’re going to do. I know I have certain things in the back of my mind but I just love to sit back and watch God work. Cause you can plan till you drop..

Don’t get me wrong, you have to be prepared because like I said, with the Oprah-thing, if I was on that set and I wasn’t prepared, they would have thrown me out and said okay get rid of this model, she doesn’t know what she’s doing. So you want to be in preparation for when that thing hits, YOU ARE READY.

So I think, just the unknown.


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